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Ayurvedic retreat that really works

This article offers a comprehensive overview of Ayurveda, focusing on its effectiveness, treatment plans, and holistic approach to health. You'll explore the core principles of Ayurveda, how to identify your dosha, and the role of various practices like Panchakarma, herbal medicine, diet, massage, yoga, and meditation in promoting well-being. Additionally, practical guidance on planning your Ayurvedic care, including travel and accommodations, is provided, along with important considerations to ensure successful outcomes. Whether you're new to Ayurveda or seeking to deepen your understanding, this guide will help you navigate the journey to holistic health.
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1. Is Ayurveda effective?

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2. Treatment packages

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3. Steps to plan?

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4. Location & travel

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5. Rooms

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6. Food

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7. Facilities

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8. Advantages of Ayurveda

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9. How to Identify Body Dosha

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10. Panchakarma Treatments

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11. Herbal Medicine in Ayurveda

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12. Diet and Nutrition in Ayurveda

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13. Ayurvedic Massages

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14. Yoga and Meditation in Ayurveda

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15. A word of caution

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2. Treatment packages

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4. Location & travel

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6. Food

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8. Advantages of Ayurveda

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10. Panchakarma Treatments

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12. Diet and Nutrition in Ayurveda

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14. Yoga and Meditation in Ayurveda

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1. Does It Really Work ?

Ayurvedic Medicine has a long history. Since ancient times it has been helpful to manage medical conditions. Ayurveda won’t do overnight miracles. It will take time to see results. This is only if individuals change their lifestyle with Ayurvedic Practices. Leading a balanced lifestyle is very important. Individuals should consult both an Ayurvedic Practitioner and a conventional healthcare provider.The Arabiers Ayurveda packages have a blend of Ayurvedic and modern medical practices.

2. Treatment packages

3. Steps to plan

Step 1:

Collect your medical reports.

Step 2:

Doctor will review the reports. You will receive feedback as well.

Step 3:

You will face an online consultation.

Step 4:

Prepare and commence treatment plan.

Step 5:

Complete the payment . Arabiers will then confirm the package.

Step 6:

Book the air ticket and arrive at Colombo International Airport.

Step 7:

Transfer to Ayurvedic Hospital.

Step 8:

Start the treatment plan and daily routine.

Step 9:

Final consultation.

Step 10:

Receive a holistic lifestyle guide for post-treatment care

4. Location and travel

The hospital is located in the capital of Anuradhapura District , North Central Province , Sri Lanka. It is 5 hours away from Colombo international Airport. The return transfers will be included in your package. It can also be customized to include other tours & excursions in Sri Lanka. Arabiers will also assist with you Sri Lanka visa

5. Rooms

Each of these rooms are designed to add comfort to your stay in the Ayurveda Hospital.

furniture found in a premium room

Premium Rooms

  • 400 square feet
  • 24 hours Room Service
  • Private Balcony
  • Bathtub
  • Air Conditioned
furniture found in a deluxe room

Deluxe Rooms

  • 300 square feet
  • 24 hours Room Service
  • Juices and Herbal Tea Included
  • Air Conditioned
furniture found in a standard  room

Standard Rooms

  • 225 square feet
  • 24 hours Room Service
  • Juices and Herbal Tea Included
  • Air Conditioned

6. Food

You will be provided with full board facilities for your treatment. The meals include a balance of healthy and hearty food.

a morning breakfast served at the hospital
a dessert spread for lunch at the hospital
a plate of pittu served at the hospital

7. Facilities for Your Convenience

Treatment rooms

These rooms have single treatment beds. The temperature is maintained well . The retreat has 13 of these rooms to ensure the best for your treatments.


This rooftop pool will refresh you for the day. The coolness of the water will relax you.


You can continue to be fit even during your treatments . The gym is fully equipped to do your personal workout routines.

Jacuzzi and sauna

Have a spa-like experience during your treatments. The jacuzzi and sauna is the best place to unwind at the end of the day.

Yoga and meditation

Practice the ancient art of yoga or meditate in the quiet dedicated space.Include these to your lifestyle and witness the difference.

Facilities for Your Convenience

8. Benefits

All rounded approach on body and mind

Ayurveda isn’t about treating one symptom. It is a lifestyle change . The treatments will help you achieve balance between the body, mind and spirit. One of the main benefits is overall wellness.

Personalized Treatments

Each body is different from one another. It is important to find out what works the best for you. With these packages you can personalize it by customizing things to suit you.

100% organic treatments

Ayurveda doesn’t rely on synthetic or artificial things. It is about using natural and safe remedies to treat your medical conditions.

Disease Management

Ayurveda is effective in disease management. Issues such as diabetes, arthritis, or others can be addressed through these packages. Even Though there aren’t any guarantees it has proven success in managing such diseases.

Similarly through lifestyle changes ayurveda helps in prevention also.The preventive approaches helps in maintaining health and reducing the risk of future diseases.

Emphasis on Mental Health

Ayurveda gives great importance to meditation , yoga and breathing exercises. This is because ayurveda identifies stress to trigger various medical conditions. So many treatments put great emphasis on mental health as well. It will help you achieve body and mind balance.

9. How to identify body dosha

Through observing and understanding various aspects of your body, mind, and behavior. You can address its issues. Ayurveda believes that each person’s body is a unique combination of the three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. First pay attention to your physical characteristics. These include your body frame, skin texture, and energy levelsNext, consider your mental and emotional tendencies. Finally, reflect on your daily habits and lifestyle preferences. Observe sleep patterns, digestion, and response to stress. Through these you can begin to understand which Dosha dominates your constitution by such careful observation. This will guide you towards a balanced and healthy life.

a doctor identifying dosha using the science of pulse ( Nadi Vignana )

10. Panchakarma Treatments

Panchakarma is one of the most important parts of Ayurveda. It is designed to detoxify the body . It will help restore its natural balance. It is derived from the Sanskrit words "Pancha" (meaning five) and "Karma" (meaning actions).This treatment involves five therapeutic procedures aimed at cleansing the body of toxins. These toxins are known as "ama" in Ayurveda. They are believed to be the root cause of many health issues.

The importance of Panchakarma lies in its ability to purify the body at a deep level. It targets both physical and mental impurities The process typically includes treatments such as,

  • vamana ( therapeutic vomiting )
  • virechana ( purgation )
  • Basti ( medicated enema )
  • Nasya ( nasal administration of herbal oils )
  • Raktamokshana ( bloodletting )

Each procedure is tailored to the individual's specific health needs.. This ensures a personalized approach to healing. Panchakarma promotes long-term health and well-being.This makes it an important practice in Ayurvedic medicine.

11. Use of Herbal Medicine

Herbal medicine has a main role in Ayurvedic practices. It uses natural plants and herbs to promote balance within the body. Each herb is selected for its unique properties. Mostly it’s for detoxification, boosting immunity, or calming the mind. Herbs are carefully chosen to restore the balance of the body (dosha).

These natural remedies are used to address the root cause of the problem. Herbs are often combined in specific formulas to target particular health concerns. In ayurveda your treatments are highly individualized. Herbal medicine in Ayurveda has the ability to work gently with the body. This supports overall wellness and prevents illness.

12. Diet and nutrition

Diet and nutritionA well balanced diet is fundamental to maintaining health and preventing diseases. The philosophy is that food is medicine. What you eat will directly influence your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Ayurveda emphasizes eating according to your body type, or dosha, to maintain balance and harmony within the body.

An ayurvedic diet usually includes,

  • warm, cooked vegetables
  • whole grains
  • legumes
  • kale
  • fenugreek
  • turmeric
  • ginger
  • cumin
Benefits of Ayurvedic Massages

Fresh and natural foods are the core of an Ayurvedic diet. Each meal is prepared with attention to the six tastes—sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent, and astringent. This gives a balanced intake that satisfies all aspects of nutrition. This is also important for good digestion.

Spices like turmeric, cumin, and ginger are used for their natural inflammatory benefits. Ayurveda promotes a balanced, healthy lifestyle that supports long-term well-being through a healthy diet.

13. Massage

Ayurvedic massage( Abhyanga) is a vital component of Ayurveda. This full-body massage is a therapeutic practice that helps maintain balance in the body. The massage involves the application of medicated oils tailored to the individual’s body type. These oils are chosen for their specific healing properties. It helps to reduce stress and detoxify the body. It will also improve blood circulation.

Benefits of Ayurvedic Massages

  • Stimulate the body's natural healing processes.
  • Enhances blood flow
  • Nourishes the skin
  • Helps the removal of toxins from the tissues.
  • Strengthen the immune system
  • Calm the nervous system
  • Promote deep relaxation
  • Helps in balancing the doshas
Benefits of Ayurvedic Massages

14. Yoga

Yoga and meditation are powerful tools for maintaining a balance in both body and mind. Yoga postures (asanas) are tailored to an individual’s dosha. These help to balance energy in the body. It will also improve physical health. The practice of yoga increases flexibility and strength.

Meditation focuses on calming the mind . It leads to reducing stress. It is essential in Ayurveda for achieving emotional balance. Regular meditation helps to reduce anxiety. This promotes a sense of inner peace and benefits overall health.


Both these will elevate your physical and mental levels. Both of these address the root causes of imbalance and disease. They act as important aspects of ayurveda healing. These will promote long-term well-being and harmony within the individual.

15. Word of caution

Ayurveda will give you the best results with time only. The therapies, medicine and lifestyle changes need patience.Ayurveda is known for its gradual, holistic approach to healing. It will give your body balance. But it will require a great amount of self-sacrifice and determination. Arabiers recommends reconsidering your decision to book an Ayurvedic package if you can’t commit completely. It's important to understand that successful outcomes in Ayurveda depend on your consistency.